Middle & Secondary Section
The NCERT Curriculum for Middle Wing Includes :
Introduction of subject teachers for learning and discussion of the more abstract concepts in each subject.
Experiential learning within each subject, and explorations of relations among different subjects is encouraged and emphasized despite the introduction of more specialized subjects and subject teachers is focussed on Technology Based learning.
Following the UDL (Universal Design for Learning) approach. We, at Oxford, offer flexible ways of learning by giving them different material and environment to groom them into the best.
The UDL programme has been designed by our experts by adapting futuristic technology to cater to the needs of growing kids to enable them to be trend setters in their respective fields tomorrow.
The programme introduces the young talents to numerous co-curricular activities along with many excursions, workshops and seminars conducted for extensive learning.
The programme includes remedial classes for the slow learners average and achiever’s classes for brilliant students to ensure that every student turns out to be a beneficiary of the programme.